“Compare PDF” is a tool that allows its users to do exactly what its name says: compare PDF files for various reasons. You can compare PDF files in different ways. For example, PDF files can be compared to text files (char by char, word by word or by keyword) or by keywords (for non-related documents). You can also compare two folders if you want to find changes. For when you compare PDF to plain text files, char by char or word by word comparison is the best choice, if the document has the same versions with some other document. On the the other hand, if the documents don't have a common ancestor, they can’t be compared char by char or word by word, because of the fact they have a different structure. In this case, the best option is to compare them "by keywords". “Compare PDF” also has the feature called “Report”, which does exactly what its name says. A report can be created once two files or folders have been compared. Yet, for file comparison only “Standard report” is available. “Command line” is another feature that allows the user to compare and integrate “Compare PDF” with other software products. All in all, this application is useful and well organized, and I can say that it does its job properly.